Private Cruises on the Potomac River

Our Weather

Washington D.C., US
7:18 am, Mar 12, 2025
weather icon 50°F
L: 48° | H: 64°
scattered clouds
Humidity: 62 %
Wind: 7 mph NNE
Wind Gust: 0 mph
UV Index: 0
Precipitation: 0 mm
Clouds: 40%
Rain Chance: 0%
Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise: 7:23 am
Sunset: 7:11 pm
  • Temperature
  • Precipitation
  • Rain Chance
  • Wind

⛈️ Weather Policy

A little bit of rain or wind won’t ruin our trip, but a lot of it will. The following forecast, on the day and areas of our trip, will result in cancellation:

  • 0.08″ or more rain
  • Winds above 20 knots coming from South or Northwest (23mph), winds above 22knots (25mph) from any other direction
  • Waves over 3 feet
  • At captain’s discretion for safety


Sometimes, based on the captain’s experience, if a combination of factors will make your trip unpleasant, the captain may cancel the trip at their discretion.  A full refund will be provided to weather or safety related cancellations.  If the trip gets is aborted during the tour, a full refund will be provided if less than half the tour is completed, and a 50% refund will be provided if more than half of the trip is completed.  You will receive notification via e-mail of any weather or safety related cancellations.  Please note that a drop in temperature is not grounds for cancellation, unless temperatures fall below 58 degrees.

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Client Testimonials

"We had an absolute blast out on the water with Jerry. He was incredibly thoughtful, knowledgeable, and a fantastic communicator. . . Cannot overstate the extent to which we enjoyed ourselves - a first-in-our-lifetimes experience shared with dear friends and an exceptional caption! "
" I took my elderly parents on a special outing in DC . . . almost felt like we were out with a friend! Thank you, thank you thank you for making this the best gift ever for my family!"
"Amazing experience! Jerry was knowledgeable of the history and culture of D.C. If you are going to take a boat tour, THIS is the one you want to take. Above and beyond any over-priced tourist boat, and I have had plenty of water-craft experiences. Professional, humorous, and laid-back. Great time!!"